12:00 PM
Registration Opens
Registration opens at Embassy Suites. Grab your badge before the session begins.
Tentative schedule is subject to change.
Day 1
Day 2
Registration opens at Embassy Suites. Grab your badge before the session begins.
Three (3) IL CE Credits
Welcome by FAC Executive Team
Education Seminar: E&O Crop Insurance
This module will cover a wide variety of topics pertaining to the Federal Crop Insurance Policy(s), as well as the Private Hail and Named Perils Policies available in the marketplace. The goal of this information is to reinforce high quality practices to minimize potential Errors and any subsequent Omissions when Soliciting, Selling, and Servicing Crop Insurance Policies. This session will highlight the Annual Crop Insurance Policies’ mandatory reporting timelines, requirements, and deadlines to further emphasize good practices for agents and agency staff.
(Big I Illinois E&O Program approved & provides 3 hours of IL Ethics credit)
Exhibitor setup begins for evening reception. Booth assignments will be available at the registration desk.
Visit with exhibitors and attendees.