Choose InsuranceInsurance Career Resources

We already know that a career in the insurance industry is stable, rewarding and limitless.

It's time to share our knowledge, expertise, and guidance with those looking at a new career!

Whether it's a college student, or someone changing careers later in their life - we have resources to help perpetuate our industry!

Consider this:

  • Growth of the population in ages 0 to 14 and 65 and older has outpaced growth of the working-age population in the last 10 years. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2020)

  • In the last two years, the estimated number of independent property-casualty agents and brokers in the U.S. has increased from 36,000 to 40,000 (Source: 2022 Agency Universe Study)

  • Employment in insurance agencies and brokers has risen annually since 2010 (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

With stats like that, it's clear that we need to do more to attract the workforce into our great industry!

What can you do?

Big I Illinois has compiled the resources below to make it easier for our agents to promote careers in the industry.

Promote the Value of an Insurance Career

Promote the value of a career in the insurance industry and offer tips on becoming an independent agent. Share this website:

Talk to Current Students

Talk to Students or CEO Programs about Careers in Insurance using these tools from Invest. Invest provides numerous resources at no cost to teach insurance and career fundamentals in high schools and community colleges across the nation.

Promote Scholarships

Take advantage of scholarships to help create long-term opportunities for those new to insurance. Several scholarships are available.

View available scholarships.

Host an Intern

The Invest Internship guide will help you successfully host an intern. Internships give students experience working in an agency and give the agency an opportunity to develop relationships with the next generation of industry talent.

Easy Button - Share the Video

Share the video "Choose a Career in Insurance" on your social media platforms or in your newsletters. Use this link:

Content to Share

The content below is for your agency's use in promoting careers in insurance. Click the image to view the larger version and to download.

Invest Did You Know Infographic
Insurance Industry is Hiring Infographic